I am the type of person that needs to have complete silence and one hundred percent attention when I am reading. Most likely if my mind is not set on what I have to do I struggle trying to juggle a hundred things going on in my brain. Sometimes I have a lot of issues when I am being distracted by household duties that need to be done or the kids constantly saying "mommy", "mommy"! I lose all concentration and I get distracted easily. It is hard being a mother, a part time employee as a leasing agent, a full time student, a fiancé, and a volunteer at my kid’s school and after school sports activities they are in, but I try my best to make it all work.
I am sure that there are a lot of people who have some sort of difficulty when it comes to reading assignments. Either they are lazy because they hate reading, or they cannot grasp what they are reading in order to make sense of everything. I notice that when I do read I also have the issues trying to understand and grasp the story that I am reading. I tend to go blank and forget what I just read, or I don’t understand some words and I have to take out my handy dandy dictionary to try and make sense of everything. It is difficult and time consuming but I know I will soon figure out how to make it all work, since it is a necessity being a student.
The way I try to overcome my difficulties on my negative reading habits is by trying to read when all the kids are in bed or when all the kids are in school. I also try to keep myself on a daily schedule so that I do not overwhelm and stress myself out by procrastinating with school, work, kids, and after school sports with the kids. I do find myself taking my daughters to football and cheerleading practice while I am sitting in the stands with my laptop or any reading material I need for that week or that class assignments.
Sometimes I know that I take on to much than I can handle but if I can just get organized, which I try to constantly, I can achieve every goal I set forth for myself. I also just realized right now, that I over analyze a lot of things or look deeper into something that is just plain simple. I don’t know why I do it, but I just do. I don’t see any positive in it since all it does it make my life harder and I lose precious time when I do such things. Though it may be for reading, class assignments, daily duties I have in my life, it’s just something I can’t help, but I do need to figure out how to solve this problem. I am sure that I am not the only one who faces these issues and if you are reading this and have some ideas that I could use please don’t hesitate to comment me and let me know. Anything helps and hopefully you have some good ideas.
Your tendency to "over analyze a lot of things or look deeper into something" is a great way of viewing the world, especially for a college student! So, I guess, I'm not really offering you a solution, but rather encouragement to keep contemplating life because that's what it's all about. I do know that in my many years of being a college student (10!)I was always able to get more work done away from home. Since you have kids, I know you understand how many chores are associated with being at home, so I made myself go to the library or to a quiet cafe or park to read. I could never read at home. Later, when I was working on my Thesis, I set my alarm for 5 a.m. everyday. I am not a morning person! This was a huge challenge to me, but I found that it was my most productive work time. Good luck finding your most productive time and place and, no matter what, enjoy the process because education is a journey, not a destination.
Wow, you do have a lot on your plate. I always thought I had a lot going on, but you're basically doing what I'm doing and on top of it all, being a mom. I've seen what my sisters do to raise their kids and let me tell you, I am not going through that any time soon! Only women can do this!! More power to us (the multitaskers!!)
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